"Skutecznie promujemy wolność"


Marek Tatała

  • On populism and situation in Poland – An interview with Marek Tatala, Abusing the People: Global Challenges of Authoritarian Populism, p. 59

    On populism and situation in Poland – An interview with Marek Tatala, Abusing the People: Global Challenges of Authoritarian Populism, p. 59 | 2018-03-01

    CIEKAWE ARTYKUŁY | "Despite all of these remarkable successes we still hear some resistance to radical reforms and rapid transition in Poland. Firstly, some opponents of the reforms speak about social costs of reforms. I think this is highly misleading. Many “social costs” were not a consequence of free market reforms but of over 40 years of real socialism in Poland".

    • Marek Tatała o zakazie handlu w niedziele, Parkiet TV

      Marek Tatała o zakazie handlu w niedziele, Parkiet TV | 2018-02-28

      Gościem programu Grzegorza Siemionczyka w Parkiet TV był Marek Tatała, ekonomista i wiceprezes fundacji FOR.