Inflation in Poland: Prices are Rising at the Fastest Pace in 10 Years | 2021-06-02
moreInflation is a form of hidden tax. "Hidden" because it is not introduced by law by parliament, and its effect is poorly understood by the public; nor do we see it in the annual accounts. It is referred to as a "tax" because the biggest beneficiary of inflation is the public finance sector (the state).
The European Public Prosecutor's Office, or What is the Law and Justice Prosecutor's Office Afraid of? | 2021-05-27
moreThe idea for a European Public Prosecutor's Office arose from the perception that, when only Member States' authorities are responsible for the actual prosecution of offences affecting the EU's financial interests, proceedings are not always brought to a successful conclusion. The intensification of the fight against offences affecting the EU's financial interests as an objective of action by national law enforcement authorities has so far not always been sufficiently pursued. Therefore, in line with the principle of subsidiarity, the EPPO accession states decided to try to achieve it at the EU level, motivated by the importance of the problem.
Diplomatic Secrecy Will Undermine the Transparency of the Foreign Service | 2021-05-24
The actual functioning of diplomatic secrecy will show the practice of the diplomatic service and the jurisprudence of administrative courts. For all those who value transparency in public life, it should be important not to lower the standard of access to information, which in the context of the discussed regulations should be more visible in the first months of implementation of the new regulations.more -
"Polish Deal" – a Marketing Shell | 2021-05-19
The "Polish Deal" is a marketing shell without comprehensive reforms and adequate and effective actions. It is not a plan for increasing prosperity, but a plan for spending money and buying votes in those areas where the authorities have their electorate and can still gain some points.more -
National Recovery Plan – Lots of Spending, Little Real Reforms | 2021-05-14
moreThe discussion of the "National Recovery Plan" focuses primarily on spending: where spending should be increased and where it should be cut. So it is more a discussion of a national spending list than a plan. Then, the NRP became the subject of a political bargain. In the end, 75,000 rental apartments (mostly financed with national funds) were thrown into the pot. This shows that politicians treat the NRP as a list of expenditures rather than a reform plan. Ultimately, the throw-in of the apartments described above does not solve the structural problems of housing.
Stimulants, Food, Beverages - Poland Is Getting More Restrictive, Most Freedom Is Granted in Germany and the Czech Republic | 2021-05-12
Poland again appears among countries with strong restrictions and our position in Europe has deteriorated, moving from 12th to 9th place out of 30 countries surveyed in terms of the restrictiveness of the regulatory and tax system. New regulations on e-cigarettes, higher excise taxes on alcohol and cigarettes as well as the sugar tax introduced from the beginning of 2021 are primarily responsible for this.more -
Remote Work and Remote Healthcare in Poland | 2021-05-12
moreWhile digitalization has been advancing in many aspects of human life, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated changes in workplaces, trade, doing business, healthcare, education, public administration, and many other spheres. In fighting the disease and addressing challenges related to the pandemic, we were lucky that many technologies were available when the pandemic broke out.
Protection of Private Property and the Communal Register of Historical Monuments | 2021-04-28
Certainly, it must be stated that the current provision regulates the rules of entering the property into the register of historic monuments too laconically, does not ensure openness of the proceedings and violates the standards of property protection. Currently, all the activities related to the entry may take place without the participation and knowledge of the property owner.more -
Online Prescription Drugs - a Needed Pro-Consumer Shift | 2021-04-26
Allowing people to buy prescription drugs online should have been one of the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is a shame that this was not introduced months ago. Even after the pandemic, this type of solution should work primarily for the convenience of consumers. In addition, since prescription drugs are often purchased by persons who are ill, the possibility of having the drug delivered directly to the home may be a significant improvement for them.more -
Land Turnover Locked in for Another 5 Years? | 2021-04-09
moreThe law introduced in 2016 restricting the trading of agricultural land – as we warned against – has not improved the condition of Polish agriculture. It did not bring about the increase in investments that it was supposed to entail. Instead, there was a decline in them, which was the largest in the European Union.