FOR Communication 5/2020: Proceedings before the Constitutional Court on the "Dispute of Competence": a Path to Further Destruction of the Rule of Law | 2020-03-05
moreOn 15 January 2020, the First President of the Supreme Court, Professor Małgorzata Gersdorf, submitted a motion to remove the discrepancies in the interpretation of the provisions, occurring in the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, in connection with the legal status of judges appointed by virtue of the pseudo-NCJ (National Council of the Judiciary) appointments. This motion was to be considered in the composition of the three joint Chambers of the Supreme Court: Civil, Criminal and Labor and Social Security Chambers.
FOR Communication 4/2020: Transparency of the Elections to the New NCJ: the Publication of the Lists Does Not End the Case | 2020-02-18
moreAfter 749 days from our inquiry, the Chancellery of the Sejm published scans of the lists of support for candidates for members of the new National Council of the Judiciary. The publication was the result of the administrative court's judgment, which annulled the decisions of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office suspending access to the lists by the Head of the Chancellery of the Sejm.
FOR Communication 3/2020: Negative profitability: nothing to brag about | 2020-02-11
moreAt the beginning of the year, Poland issued euro-denominated bonds with negative yields two times. For government figures, these issues have become proof of the quality of the excellent economic policy of the Law and Justice party.
FOR Communication 2/2020: Takeover of the German Condor Airline: Propaganda of Success | 2020-02-03
moreThe acquisition of the German Condor airline is another allegedly unprecedented success in the history of the Polish economy: LOT, formerly notoriously loss-making and destined to close down or, at best, sell to Germany’s Lufthansa, is now, thanks to the "good change", not only finally making a profit, but also developing so rapidly that it is beginning to expand on the German market. Again, one could hear a false narrative by Mateusz Morawiecki about the messianic role of Law and Justice party in the history of the Third Republic of Poland.
FOR Communication 1/2020: Employment Flexibility Index 2020: One size does not fit all | 2020-01-30
moreThe Civil Development Forum, along with partners from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Slovakia, is participating in a 3-year research study initiated and coordinated by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) on flexibility in employment contracts. As part of the project we publish the Employment Flexibility Index 2020.
FOR Comment: Reduce the Rigidity of the Regulation of Working Time | 2020-01-15
moreMany labour regulations were created for large industrial plants from the mid-20th century - this is also the spirit of the Polish Labour Code of 1974. However, with the automation of industry and the increase in employment in services, economic realities changed. The increasingly popular flexible working time makes it easier to balance private life with work in a way better suited to individual preferences and lifestyles, often to the benefit of productivity.
FOR Communication 34/2019: Morawiecki' s policy speech: a review of statements and announcements | 2019-11-25
moreIn his policy speech Mateusz Morawiecki largely repeated his standard narrative about the messianic role of Law and Justice in the history of the Third Republic of Poland. The opportunity ("historical moment") faced by Poland in 1989 was "only partially seized". What is worse, "neoliberalism caused a conceptual confusion and a mess in the value system".
FOR Communication 33/2019: The Disciplinary Chamber and the new National Council of the Judiciary under the EU pillory: the consequences of the CJEU judgment of 19 November 2019 | 2019-11-22
moreThe ruling of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU) concerning the Disciplinary Chamber and the new National Council of the Judiciary (KRS) is another ruling concerning changes in the Polish judiciary in recent years. It answers only some of the doubts, and further answers are expected in 2020.
FOR Communication 31/2019: How Seriously Does the Government Treat Taxpayers and the Expenditure Rule? | 2019-10-30
moreAfter the election campaign, the Law and Justice Party stopped pretending that the 2020 budget would be deficit-free, starting a discussion on its amendment. The implementation of the new election promises will be difficult to reconcile with the existing spending rule, but there have already been voices offering it to be softened, such as Prof. Łukasz Hardt of the Monetary Policy Council.
FOR Communication 29/2019: "Balanced" budget – a great manipulation | 2019-09-10
moreThe Law and Justice government, when publishing the draft state budget for 2020, called it "balanced". This "balance" is based on one-off revenues and concerns only the state budget, which accounts for half of the entire public finance sector. After eliminating one-off revenues and taking all expenditures into account, the deficit will amount to 1.3% of GDP - that is, it will remain far from a sustainable improvement of public finances - and it will not take the promises of Saturday's Law and Justice election convention into account.