Communication 28/2018: The budget for 2019: new taxes | 2018-10-04
moreThe fast economic growth, in place since 2014 due to the good economic situation in the global economy, leads to an increased state's income. Combined with the limited growth rate of some expenditures, it gives the government more room for maneuver.
FOR Message 24/2018: Relief for starting a business: ministerial notes do not solve the problem created by the interpretation of the Social Security Office in Gdańsk | 2018-09-03
moreRelief for starting a business and introduction of unregistered business activity are two of the few real, albeit minor, improvement introduced in the "business constitution," although it should be stressed that such minor changes cannot replace a comprehensive reform of the tax and social security systems.
FOR Message 23/2018: Budget 2019: unprepared for an economic downturn | 2018-08-31
moreThe crucial factor for the safety of public finances is the deficit of the entire public finance sector. The state budget is responsible for less than half of the expenditure. In addition, the public finance sector includes budgets of local governments, the Social Insurance Institution, the Agricultural Social Insurance Institution, the National Health Fund and a number of other entities.
FOR Message 22/2018: "Cultural games" or culture of lobbying? | 2018-08-23
moreWhen politicians start to distribute taxpayers' money, it invites lobbying. Even the leading industries start to pretend that they need support. Polish video game industry is no different. The market capitalization of CD Projekt has already overtaken KGHM. At the same time, it lobbies for CIT tax relief for the so-called "Cultural games" through the Polish Games Association, together with other leading producers.
FOR Message 21/2018: The Supreme Court acted lawfully when it suspended national provisions and referred questions to the European Court of Justice. | 2018-08-09
moreThe five questions referred for a preliminary ruling regarded recent changes in the laws regulating the judicial system.
The questions complement the proceedings conducted by the European Commission, which also has doubts regarding the Act on the Supreme Court.
FOR Message 20/2018: The popularity of the sharing economy - conclusions from the Sharing Economy Index | 2018-07-26
moreThe Timbro Sharing Economy Index is the first global index of the sharing economy. The index has been compiled using traffic volume data and scraped data, and provides a unique insight into the driving factors behind the peer-to-peer economy.
FOR Message 17/2018: Nobody gains in the bidding for minimum wage raises | 2018-06-13
moreThe Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy proposes to return to the harmful policy of the PiS government from 2016-2017: the stepwise increases in the minimum wage(14.3% in total). In 2019, the minimum wage would increase from the current PLN 2100 to 2250. This raise (7.1%) would be higher than the forecasted increase in whole-economy wages (5.6%).
FOR Communication 1/2018: Yet another case of nationalization - this time at the expense of the patient. Yet another war of PiS - this time with Denmark | 2018-02-07
moreFor PiS (The Law and Justice Party), any - real or apparent - ills that plague Polish society serve a pretext to increase the politicization of the economy. In 2013, that is before the PiS came to power, Poland was ahead of other OECD countries and the European Union in terms of state ownership. Recently, however, nothing has been done to reduce the interference of politicians in the economy. On the contrary, we are still seeing new steps towards further nationalization of enterprises. After the Bank Pekao S.A. and power plants, the time has come for the emergency medical services.
Communication 26/2017: Presidential Law on the Supreme Court – rolling unconstitutionality. Summary of changes | 2017-12-19
moreAs in the case of the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary, the presidential draft law on the Supreme Court still contains unconstitutional solutions. Retirement of all judges of the Military Chamber and others at the age of 65 (unless the president extends the retirement age individually), likewise removal of the first president of the Supreme Court, despite her constitutional six-year tenure, or the establishment of the new Disciplinary Chamber, so autonomous that it can be considered a separate court - these are the most vivid cases of proposals incompatible with the Constitution. In fact, the president's draft - as far as the consequences go - does not differ much from that of the PiS deputies, vetoed by him in July 2017.
Communication 25/2017: Presidential Act on the National Council of the Judiciary - different content, same bad effect. Summary of changes | 2017-12-19
moreThe presidential veto to the Law on the National Council of the Judiciary as prepared by Law and Justice and the submission of the president’s own project has ended the first wave of protests against the appropriation of justice by the ruling majority. The act passed last Friday contains a mechanism - no less dangerous, in fact identical - of unconstitutional selection of judges to the National Council of the Judiciary by the Parliament, and it benefits mainly the ruling party.