Kaczyński about Balcerowicz’s Reforms – Then and Now - Marcin Zieliński, 4Liberty.eu | 2023-03-14
more– Parliamentary elections will be held next year. So instead of carrying out a “decisive surgical cut” to lay the foundations for long-term economic development, which usually brings positive results after some time, the Law and Justice government is doing everything to postpone the outbreak of the crisis until the elections, even if in the long run everyone will suffer economically.
High Inflation in Poland Is Caused by Monetary Policy Council - Dariusz Filar, 4Liberty.eu | 2023-03-13
more– Core inflation in Poland in December 2022 was 11.5%, while the average in the European Union was 5.97%, and in the euro zone alone it was 5.2%. These huge differences in core inflation prove that the Polish monetary policy was pro-inflationary. These pro-inflationary mistakes had to be made mainly in 2020-2021.
Additional Tax on Apartments: from Myth to Very Bad Policy - Marcin Zieliński, 4Liberty.eu | 2023-03-13
more– Poland already has the strongest taxation of property among the countries in the region (countries of the former Eastern Bloc that joined the European Union). The ad hoc ideas of taxing investors purchasing apartments – even if they are not responsible for the vacancy problem, which we do not know how serious is – introduces another factor of legislative uncertainty, discouraging doing business in Poland.
7 Years of Rule of Law Crisis: How CJEU and ECHR Defended Rule of Law in Poland in 2022? - Patryk Wachowiec, 4Liberty.eu | 2023-03-10
more- The Court in Strasbourg played a fundamental role in preventing the crisis by providing temporary protection to fifteen judges affected by repressions of the government. It also extended the protection of judges to instances where they perform functions other than judicial, and began to investigate the real purpose of the violation of their rights by the Polish authorities.
Security Is Not Just Tanks and Guns – Sławomir Dudek, 4Liberty | 2022-05-04
moreThe war in Ukraine will affect Poland’s socio-economic situation through many channels both in the short and long term. In the near term, we face weakening economic growth and even higher inflation, even double-digit inflation. Short-term prospects are difficult. The economy will be far from balanced and prone to turbulence.
Facilitating Access to Regulated Professions: Effective Assistance for Ukrainian Citizens and Polish Economy – Piotr Oliński, 4Liberty | 2022-05-03
moreThe special purpose law on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine should take into account the demand for recognition of a significant range of professional qualifications acquired in Ukraine.