Marek Tatała as a guest in The Real Story programme in BBC | 2018-07-06
moreMarek Tatała was the guest of BBC program ‘The Real Story’ where he critically commented Supreme Court situation.
Leszek Balcerowicz: Good and Bad Transformation | 2018-06-20
moreConservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik organised on June 11, 2018 in Bratislava another lecture within the Conservative Economic Quarterly Lecture Series /CEQLS/: Good and Bad Transformation. Lecture given by: Leszek Balcerowicz, Professor of Economics and Architect of Poland´s economic reforms.
"Freedom, It's Personal" examines personal liberty in Central and Eastern Europe, Atlas Network | 2018-06-13
moreContributors to the latest issue of 4liberty.eu Review include Marek Tatała of the Civil Development Forum (FOR) in Poland, Ivan Bregov of the Institute for Market Economics in Bulgaria, and Admir Čavalić of Association “Multi” in Bosnia and Herzegovina, all of which are Atlas Network partner organizations. The content editor of the eighth issue was Tanja Porčnik of the Visio Institut in Slovenia, which is also an Atlas Network partner.
Patryk Wachowiec: No Transparency of Election of Judges to New Polish National Council of the Judiciary, 4Liberty | 2018-05-23
moreThree months after Civil Development Forum (FOR) inquired the Minister of Justice about the judges who supported the candidates for the new National Council of the Judiciary (NCJ), we have received answers with mostly… blank pages. As the Minister did not provide all the requested information we face yet another legal battle (after the lawsuit against the decision of the Chief of the Chancellery of the Sejm – lower chamber of the Polish Parliament) in the administrative court for the openness and transparency of public life.
Patryk Wachowiec: No Transparency of Election of Judges to New Polish National Council of the Judiciary, 4Liberty | 2018-05-23
moreThree months after Civil Development Forum (FOR) inquired the Minister of Justice about the judges who supported the candidates for the new National Council of the Judiciary (NCJ), we have received answers with mostly… blank pages. As the Minister did not provide all the requested information we face yet another legal battle (after the lawsuit against the decision of the Chief of the Chancellery of the Sejm – lower chamber of the Polish Parliament) in the administrative court for the openness and transparency of public life.
FOR: Free Market Road Show 2018 in Warsaw: Discussing Values for Europe, 4Liberty | 2018-05-21
moreOn April 19, 2018, the Free Market Road Show visited Warsaw. This year the event took place at SWPS University. The conference began with introductory remarks by Piotr Voelkel (SWPS University), Agata Stremecka (FOR), and Barbara Kolm (Austrian Economics Center), representing the institutions that organized the conference.
Aleksander Łaszek: Poland: The Bill for Government Services in 2017, 4Liberty | 2018-05-16
moreOn April 27, 2018, Civil Development Forum (FOR) presented The Bill for Government Services in 2017, which shows the structure of Poland’s government expenditures. Like every year, the current seventh edition of the campaign took place just before the tax filing deadline.
Marcin Zieliński, Regulatory Expropriation in the Emergency Medical Services in Poland, 4Liberty.eu | 2018-02-13
moreFor PiS (Law and Justice), any – real or apparent – ills that plague the Polish society serve as a pretext to increase the politicization of the economy. In 2013, that is before PiS came to power, Poland was ahead of other OECD and the European Union countries in terms of the state ownership. Recently, however, nothing has been done to reduce the interference of politicians in the economy. On the contrary, we are still seeing new steps towards further nationalization of enterprises or crowding out the private sector.
Aleksander Łaszek, Rafał Trzeciakowski: Polish PM Morawiecki’s Declarations Versus Reality, 4Liberty.eu | 2018-02-12
moreIn his first parliamentary speech as a prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki (PMM) repeated many theses of the government officials which have been repeated for the last two years. Some of them are wrong and contradict the experiences of other countries. Others, while right, stand in clear contradiction with the actual actions of the Polish government.