"We promote freedom"



FOR Communication 29/2018: An expensive gift of PiS: citizens' plans turned upside down

•    Three weeks before November 12, some MPs from PiS (The Law and Order Party) submitted a draft bill to make this day a public holiday. Late in the evening on the next day, 23 October, the project was adopted. This was a costly decision, but its economic consequences pale in the face of the fact that PiS deputies took away from the citizens the freedom to act according to their plans. Their arbitrary decision forced Poles to cancel meetings, deliveries, weddings or court hearings.


•    The day off, forced onto the Poles on 12 November, will cost them PLN 4-6 billion. Lower GDP will mean a lower state tax revenues by PLN 2 billion. It would be enough to finance for half a year a PLN 500 monthly rehabilitation allowance for adults incapable of for independent existence, postulated by the disabled.


Rafał Trzeciakowski, economist
[email protected]

Marcin Zieliński, economist
[email protected]

See also: